Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Fun Facts #2

JK Rowling was originally going to kill Arthur Weasley in Order of the Phoenix, but killed Sirius instead.

Apparently she did that so all of the Weasley kids had a mother and a father but, siriusly, did she have to kill of Sirius????? There are so many characters that no one likes...

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all made into Chocolate Frog cards. Both Ron and Albus Dumbledore consider this their greatest achievement.

Yeah guys. You're real cool dudes...

After Kingsleigh Shacklebolt became the Minister of Magic, anybody who fought in the Battle of Hogwarts was able to get a job as an Auror, even without the required NEWTS.

What if they were on Voldemort's side, though? Could they still be an Auror? Hopefully Kingsleigh thought this through all the way.

If a Muggle comes across Hogwarts, they'll see an old abandoned building with a sign that says "Keep Out: Dangerous Building".

What if they walked in anyway? Would it look like a crappy old building or an awesome wizarding school? Either way, I'd traipse right in an take a look...

Ron's Patronus is a Jack Russel terrier and Hermione's is an otter. Jack Russel terriers are known for chasing otters.

Yeah Ron, you're getting all the pretty otter ladies. Four for you Ron, you go Ron.

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